On Writing

Was there ever a time when you felt that you can hardly breathe? When you felt that the only way for you to feel better was to breathe deeply as you watch your chest go up and down and then you breathe a heavy sigh?  No, it is not even related to symptoms of a heart attack. They are just physical manifestations that you’ve had enough and you needed some change. To slow down. Perhaps a change of job or you needed a new perspective.

Yes, I am currently going through that kind of deep breathing in order to relax myself. For years, I have relegated something to the side and told myself “I’ll pick it up when I have the time.” But unfortunately, I didn’t have the time. My older sister, Josephine was right. “You will not have the time, sis.  You have to allot the time for it to be done.”  I am referring to no other than what I had done that’s why you are reading this piece of material in your screen—writing.  It seems, nowadays, writing is my own kind of world, my pill to quiet me down, my prescription for stress.

Basically, my inner self is telling me write, write, write, write, and write. And not just writing to tell the world about my likes or dislikes or to post a selfie on FB and then write a catchy caption. My heart is yearning to write about God and how we encounter Him in the everyday. This is why I named my blog site everydaymiraclesbySherr because I believe that every day God sends miracles our way and we just don’t notice it. Last Friday, after a long day at work as I was driving home close to Executive Center Drive, I saw a small portion of the sky with the yellow sun outpouring its rays while the rest of the sky was gray at almost six in the evening.  Again, this was just a small part of the entire sky that you can almost miss it unless; you are like me, searching for nature at its best. And there, I saw it. I felt the Lord telling me “Soon, I will be coming.  Don’t worry.” It helped me put things in perspective that this life is short compared to the afterlife, which is eternal.  It is only very recently that this thought is starting to click in my brain.  “But Lord, I am still weak and most of the time the pressures of everyday life overwhelm me. Help me, please, to always trust in you and to remember that you are God, and that is what you do best. You are all mighty and powerful. I just need to trust you in the stormy parts of my life. You are my God and I am your child.  That is all that matters. In Jesus name. Amen.”OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

About admin

Sherrilyn Tamayo-Siplon loves sharing everyday stories about God. She feels He is present in the now and in our everyday experiences. She believes writing is one of her purposes in life. Just like St. Augustine, she believes that our hearts are restless until it rests in the Lord.
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